PharmD Scholarly Project

The PharmD Scholarly Project (PSP) is a required project for PharmD students to engage in a piece of scholarship. It can be completed by individuals or group of students. The project is designed to give students the opportunity to develop analytical thinking skills and expose students to the process of scientific inquiry. Furthermore, it teaches students how to analyze literature, formulate an answerable question, gather data, and undergo methodology of appropriate scholarly investigation. Following the completion of the project, students are more qualified and marketable for post-graduation opportunities. The project may encompass a wide variety of disciplines including, but not limited to, science, clinical, educational, behavioral health, health services, community, and epidemiological activities.

Scholarly Projects by the Numbers


Fall - Second Year of PharmD Program (P2 Year)


Begin instruction on development of research questions and literature review in PHRD 508-Pharmacy Literature Analysis and Drug information.


Begin formation of groups and discussion of potential projects within groups.


Discuss with potential advisors regarding project details.

Spring - Second Year of PharmD Program (P2 Year)


Enroll in PharmD Scholarly Project 1 Course.


Develop proposal starting from research question and literature review.


Submit Proposal.


The PSP committee reviews, provides feedback, and approves projects before the completion of the semester.

Fall - Third Year of PharmD Program (P3 Year)


Enroll in PharmD Scholarly Project 2 Course


Collect and analyze data


Present progress and receive feedback from peers and faculty

Spring - Third Year of PharmD Program (P3 Year)


Enroll in PharmD Scholarly Project 3 Course


January and February: Analyze data, prepare abstract and poster


Early March: Submit your poster and abstract


End of March: Present your project at the PharmD Scholarly Project Symposium

Project Advisors

All projects are advised by a qualified individual. Advisors may be faculty or staff of USC Mann; preceptors, healthcare professionals, scientists and researchers are also eligible to serve as advisors.

The scholarly project committee reviews the CVs of potential advisors in the early stages of project planning to ensure that all groups have appropriate guidance. The process of developing a scholarly project creates a rich environment for mentorship and professional development. Advisors gain the opportunity to advance scholarly work or quality improvement initiatives which may lead to expansion of scholarship, improved care delivery or quality of care, and completion of publishable work.

PharmD Scholarly Project Symposium

USC Mann’s annual Scholarly Project Symposium gives third-year pharmacy students the opportunity to present their research projects to faculty, students, alumni and other members of the USC community. Projects are judged, and the top projects are eligible for cash awards for “Excellence in Scholarship.”