Kim Integrated Health Management Initiative (KIHMI)

KIHMI, the Kim Integrated Health Management Initiative, is a unique partnership that plans and implement solutions to improve quality of life in underserved regions of the world. The initiative was established in 2017 as a collaboration between USC Mann and the DK Kim Foundation.

Implementation Pillars

KIHMI’s unique approach helps empower communities with health and economic challenges to improve their well-being and sustainable development through a broadly based and largely local support network. Work is based on activities in four implementation pillars:

This social sustainability model does not impose external ideas of what the communities ought to be. Rather, it supports the communities to weave their own future based on their social dynamics and culture to assure that the projects are “owned” by the community. Emphasis is on support actions that “do no harm” to the fabric of the community, and foster self-reliance as an ultimate goal.

To assure that the community is not isolated from global development, KIHMI align all projects with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) design by United Nations (UN).